Our Services


Rattling Pipes


Rattling pipes are a pretty common problem but they are none the less incredibly irritating to listen to.  Many people think there is something seriously wrong with their heating system when it comes to rattling pipes, but this is rarely the case.


The good thing is that these rattling pipes can usually be solved by simply cushioning the pipes that are rattling.  They only rattle because they are loose in their pipe clips or wherever they are situated.  The important thing is to prevent the rattle, not only to get a bit of peace, but also to prevent the chance of leaks occuring.


It’s often best to enlist the support of an expert when it comes to this sort of problem, if only to rule out any other causes.

Call EPM to arrange a visit.

Office Telephone
01473 396 105
24/7 Engineer Response
01473 396 247